Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One Hospital

I was talking to a guy I knew in high school about 3 months ago when I was back home, he told me he was going to med school at the University of Rochester. It then occurred to me how much of a focal point Strong Memorial Hospital (UofR's hospital) has been in my life. I was born there, as well as two of my sisters. I had knee surgery there, underwent cancer treatment, as did my sister, who ended up dying in that hospital. (though she was born in Chicago)

As much as I've always actually wanted to work in a hospital, I think it'd be hard to work there, it'd really wear you down.


Hans said...

I think so too, especially when all of your customers are uncomfortable and unhappy upon arrival.

Ryan said...

I'll hopefully be working in one after grad school. I think you just get detached from it after a while.